Real Framed Butterflies, Preserved to Last a Lifetime
The Ghost Morpho - 8x7 - 3D Acrylic Frame
Sunset Morpho - 8x7 - 3D Acrylic Frame
Sunset Morpho - 8x6 Riker Mount
Pastel Papillion Pair (Upper & Underside) - 3D Tabletop Display
Pastel Papillion - Upper side - 5x4 Riker Mount
Sunset Morpho - 10x10 - 3D Acrylic Frame
Giant Striped Morpho - 8x7 - 3D Acrylic Frame
Pastel Papillion - Upper & Underside Pair - 7x8 - 3D Acrylic Frame - In Flight
Giant Striped Morpho - 8x6 Riker Mount
Pastel Papillion Underside - 5x4 Riker Mount
Edward's Moth - 12x8 Riker Mount
Troides hypolitus Pair - 3D Acrylic Frame
Papilio Rumanzovia (White Form F) Butterflies Set - 3D Acrylic Frame
Pastel Papillion - Underside - 3D Tabletop Display
Pastel Papillion - Upper side - 3D Tabletop Display
Giant Striped Morpho - 10x10 - 3D Acrylic Frame